the digital currency behind the COREconomy. 

Symbiosis Token or “Symtoken” provides the ground for us to grow a healthy economic garden called the Compartmentalized Organic Regenerative Economy or COREconomy.

Each section of the economy existing in its own protected ecosystem; 

Individual “Social Marketplaces” that we call DRIPs – Decentralized Regenerative Industry Platforms.

Combining a social network with the Symtoken digital currency, the resulting Social Marketplace, provides a platform of exchange that belongs to its real stakeholders – every single user. 

How is that possible? 

Through emerging organizational methodologies known as Decentralized Automated Organizations (or DAO), we have an opportunity to repurpose the advertising and transaction revenue currently enjoyed by the shareholders of large, corporate institutions, to build these DRIPs as passive, public utilities under nobody’s control. 

Blockchain provides us an infinitesimally small “yard stick” with which to automatically measure and track the transaction of value;

Ensuring the COREconomy platforms faithfully represent the value flowing through the industries they serve.

The industry in most desperate need of this technology is health. Defined as everything from nutrition, through self-care, to medicine. 

Named Symto after the “Symbiosis Token” the platform is built upon, rather than for the enrichment of a few shareholders, Symto is designed to be an economic engine for regenerative initiatives in food production. 

Given the key role of food production in the human effect on climate change, this is the logical place to begin and you can see the beginnings of our decentralized platform at

Explore these concepts in more detail here in the book our founder wrote on the subject. Regenerative – Applied Dissident Economics. 

If you’re wondering just what in the world might be wrong with us, the answer, we believe, is in how our economic systems are fundamentally structured. 

If you believe an alternative is necessary, or should at least be allowed to compete on fair terms as we do, then join the “Dissident Economic” movement and follow, subscribe, share, buy, and donate where you can at the links below.

Attention is the fundamental human currency. How are you investing yours?

Be Well